ASP.NET Core Identity and Security (SECOND EDITION)

  • Course level: All Levels
  • Categories It & Software
  • Total Enrolled 0
  • Last Update February 5, 2022

About Course

Develop secure ASP.NET Core applications and protect them against cyber attacks


Learn important skills for the new identity system for ASP.NET Core. Enhance your application’s security and enable effective protection against malicious attacks.

ASP.NET Core now includes the new identity system, which replaces the legacy membership system in ASP.NET. It is essential that software engineers learn these relevant skills and apply them when developing or updating security for their applications.

In this interactive course, we will cover the following topics:

  • A hands-on project to learn and practice:
    • Cookie-based Authentication
    • Role-based and Claims-based Authorization
    • Authentication with OAuth e.g. Facebook and Google
    • Two-Factor authentication (
    • Token-based Authentication for REST APIs
    • Web Application Firewall (WAF) and protecting your website with CloudFlare
    • Common Security Attacks

What Will I Learn?

  • Implementing Sign Up and Sign-in using with E-mail confirmation
  • Implementing Tw-Factor Authentication
  • Authorization with Roles

Topics for this course

33 Lessons

1. Introduction

1. Introduction00:00:00
2. Why is Cyber Security Important00:00:00
3. Identity, Role and Claim00:00:00
4. Cookie-based Authentication vs. Token-based Authentication00:00:00
5. The ASP.NET Core MVC Project and GitHub Repository00:00:00

2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store

3. Two-Factor Authentication

4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook

6. Mitigating Common Security Risks

7. Web Application Framework (WAF)



  • Beginner-level knowledge of .NET Core
  • Beginner Level ASP .NET MVC Core